Use the Kerala Scholars eGroup to disseminate information on various subjects/disciplines and activities.
The content you send should be explicitly related to the study of Kerala. It should also mention your real name and institutional affiliation. Please use this form if you wish.
Arabic, Anthropology, Archaeology, Commerce, Dalit Studies, Development Studies, Drama, Economics, Education, Film, Folklore, Geography, Hindi, History, Library and Information Science, Islamic Studies, Journalism, Law, Literature, Linguistics, Malayalam, Mass Communication, Media Studies, Music, Oriental Studies, Painting, Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, Psychology, Public Policy, Religion, Sanskrit, Social Work, Sociology, Women’s Studies.
Editor’s Guidelines
- Please post messages that are relevant to the group, civil, and legal.
- Attachments: Please mention the salient points in the body of your message, and provide a link to a document or website. Attachments are not posted to the group.
- Peer-reviewed journal articles: Please provide the abstract and a link. Entire articles are not posted, even if they are open access.
- Non-peer-reviewed articles, podcasts, and videos: Links to members’ works are circulated (since July 2022) as a monthly digest.
Sample Messages/Posts
The links given are examples from H-Net-Asia, a similar international discussion group for Asian studies.
The Kerala Scholars eGroup carries posts in Malayalam too. In such cases, please also send a brief 2-3 sentence summary of the post in English.
- Announcement (conference, job, journal articles, publication by member, seminar, summer school, symposium, workshop)
- Call for Papers (conference, book chapters, journals, workshop)
- Call for Proposals/Applications (dissertation workshop, fellowship, grant, scholarship)
- Obituary
- Query (related to contact info, research1, research2)
- Response to Query (related to research1)
- Resource for researchers (publications, websites)
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